Prepaid bonus for your Mundo rates
To complete your Mundo rate
Nacional Pass | 3000 Min - €5
Compatible with Llama and Navega tariffs
Destinations: mobile and landline in Spain. Limit of 50 destinations. Use exclusively in Spain. Not suitable for roaming.
Duration: of 28 days, after which it will be renewed automatically.
Contracting: send an SMS with the text ALTA NACIONAL to 1470 or go to the My Orange app.
Latino Pass
Latino Pass | 120 Min - €5
Destinations: mobile and landline from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico and Venezuela. Landline: from Argentina, Dominican Republic, Panama and Uruguay. For use exclsuively in Spain. Not suitable for roaming.
Duration: 28 days, after which it will be renewed automatically
Contracting: send an SMS with the text ALTA LATINO to 1470 or go to the My Orange app.
Ecuador Pass
Ecuador Pass | 50 Min - €5
Destinations: mobile and landline in Ecuador. Limit of 10 different numbers per month. Use exclusively in Spain. Not suitable for roaming.
Duration: 28 days, after which it will be renewed automatically.
Contracting: send an SMS with the text ALTA ECUADOR to 1470 or go to the My Orange app.
Philippines Pass
Philippines Pass | 120 Min - €5
Destinations: mobile and landline in the Philippines. Limit of 10 different numbers. Use exclusively in Spain. Not suitable for roaming.
Duration: 28 days, after which it will be renewed automatically.
Contracting: send an SMS with the text ALTA FILIPINAS to 1470 or go to the Mi Orange app.
Pakistan Pass
Pakistan Pass | 175 Min - €5
Destinations: Mobile and landline in Pakistan. Limit of 10 different numbers. Use exclusively in Spain. Not suitable for roaming.
Duration: 28 days, after which it will be renewed automatically.
Contracting: send an SMS with the text ALTA PAKISTAN to 1470 or go to the My Orange app.
SMS Pass
SMS Pass | 50 SMS - €1
Duration 28 days, after which it will be cancelled.
Use exclusively in Spain. Does not apply on roaming.
Contracting: send an SMS with the text ALTA BONOSMS to 1470 or go to the My Orange app.
Flexigigas 1
Flexigigas 1 | 1 GB - €2
Duration: You now use it for 28 days or until you have used up the data. To see the data available for your pass, send an SMS to 1470 with the text INFO FLEX1.
With this pass you can enjoy 1 GB more than your tariff for €2. You can purchase whenever you need to top up the data from your tariff.
Contracting: Just send a free SMS to 1470 with the text ALTA FLEX1.
Flexigigas 5
Flexigigas 5 | 5GB - €5
Duration: You now use it for 28 days or until you have used up the data. To see the data available for your pass, send an SMS to 1470 with the text INFO FLEX5.
With this pass you can enjoy 5 GB more than your tariff for €5. You can purchase whenever you need to top up the data from your tariff.
Contracting: Just send a free SMS to 1470 with the text ALTA FLEX5.
Everywhere area - 100 MB - €7/day.
United Kingdom: 2GB – €2 and 20 min. – €1
Everywhere area: 100 MB – €7 and 30 min. – €7
You only pay for what you use. No fixed payments.
Which countries are included in this pass?
United Kingdom area: (except Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey)
Everywhere zones: Andorra, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Russian Federation (Russia), Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Contracting: Send an SMS with the text EW to 22095 or through the Mi Orange app, and the text BAJA EW whenever you want to cancel it.
Everywhere Weekly
United States - 3GB - €20
Everywhere Zone - 1GB - €20
Everywhere Weekly
United Kingdom: 15GB - €9 and 150 min. - €3
United States: 3GB – €20 and 40 min. - €12
Everywhere Area: 1GB – €20 and 40 min. - €12
You only pay for what you use. No fixed payments.
Which countries are included in this pass?
United Kingdom area: (except Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey).
USA and Canada Area
Everywhere zones: Andorra, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Russian Federation (Russia), Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Contracting: Send an SMS with the text EWS to 22095 or through the Mi Orange app, and the text BAJA EWS whenever you want to cancel it.